coming to film in New York City ? We're your fixing company when you need to hire local crew, get local equipment (camera, G&E), etc. and our bilingual production support has you covered.
our bilingual production support makes shooting in NYC easy for foreign TV & Film crews.
our team is experienced in pre-production planning, field work, SD and HD production, post-production and sound.
we offer bilingual coordination, operational and logistical support and fixer services in Spanish, French, Italian, Flemish and Dutch. We can also help with interpreters in other languages such as Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Portuguese, and more.
we clear shooting locations and help you apply for filming permits in Manhattan and beyond.
we assist with location sound and video equipment rentals. You tell us your production needs and we procure it for you.
other languages and locations available upon request.
Case Study: Suave Films - Televisa Deportes Superbowl Promos
tienes un equipo de rodaje que esta por llegar a New York ?
nuestro servicio HispanicSpots esta especializado en el sopporte de equipos hispanicos que necesitan un apoyo en Nueva York. Proveemos un cordinador bilingue que les puede facilitar la vida mucho durante su rodaje en New York City. Nos ocupamos de servicios para equipos como permisos, transporte, el alquiler de equipo sonographico y de video.
Have a project you’d like to talk to us about? Give us a call any time at 212-489-6035.